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What I Mean When I Say Leave Me Alone

Sometimes when our emotions are too big for us to deal with, it becomes hard to talk to someone about how we feel. We then go to tell people to leave us alone, when actually what we really want to say is I'm struggling and I'd like some help. The 'What I Mean When I Sa Leave me Alone' resource helps those who are struggling to verbally open up and ask for help and support about their difficult thoughts, feelings and experiences.

What I Mean When I Say 'Leave Me Alone!' (1).png

What are the benefits of using this resource?


When we are experiencing difficulties it can feel overwhelming, and even when we want to scream out for help, sometimes things can be just too hard and painful to talk about. When we keep our difficulties to ourselves, we may find that we are not expressing our emotions as we normally would, and over time this can have a negative affect on our mental health and wellbeing. We may develop feelings of stress and burnout, and we might begin to struggle with our thoughts and behaviours. We may find that we begin to experience explosive emotional outbursts, such as crying, shouting or panicking, or we might start reacting negatively to people or situations.


When things are too hard to talk about, it is important to consider alternative methods of engaging and promoting communication, and writing things down can feel easier to manage when we are struggling with expressing our difficulties.


Giving us a safe and secure place where we can open up and discuss how we are feeling can help alleviate difficult feelings, such overwhelm, anxiety, stress and anger, and can help improve difficulties we may be having with our thoughts and behaviours. In addition, communicating with others helps us make sense of our emotions and experiences, and allows us, and others, to put in place appropriate help and support by working together to explore different ways in which we can overcoming our difficulties, and encourage us to be more open about how we feel.

Its Good To Talk!!!

If you are struggling with your thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and/or difficult experiences, we recommend that you talk to one of the trusted people in your life, and seek professional help and support. Sharing our experiences can be empowering, as it can help us to take back control of our lives by allowing us to identify and manage our difficulties, and take positive and proactive steps to overcome these. However, we can sometimes find it hard to talk about our difficulties and how we feel; in such cases, writing these down can feel easier and less painful and can serve as a great method of communicating when words are too difficult to speak. If you are struggling to talk, we encourage you to use written word or this resource to share what has happened to you and how you are feeling.

Need further help and Support?

Click the 'Need Support' button for free information on what to do when you need help urgently or in an emergency, or if you require signposting information on organisations that offer help, advice and support with your mental health and wellbeing.

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